The Palm Valley Views

Introducing One of Palm Valley’s Published Authors

Some of you remember Rosemary Imregi as a contributor to the Palm Valley Newsletter for four years when she wrote the “Star of the Month” column. She has some ex- citing news to share with us all!

Rosemary and her husband, Tony, are originally from New York City, having moved to Florida to escape the cold weather 23 years ago. They have lived in our commu- nity for 11 years, and are blessed with three children and five grandchildren.

Rosemary has always enjoyed writing as a hobby, but she began writing seriously about seven years ago after un- dergoing a double lung transplant. She realized how short life is and began to study and research how to be a suc- cessful writer. She has chosen Historical Fiction as her genre.

Her first published book was entitled “Goodbye Danube”, which was written at the request of her husband. It is the true story of his life written as a legacy for their children. It takes place in Budapest, Hungary in 1956 and empha- sizes the protests of the communist regime and their fam- ily’s escape to Austria. I t is being re-released in an up- dated version in the near future.

Newly released is her current work, “Coach in Cottage C” which is co-written by her friend Jane Minard. The story dramatizes how institutional life in a Florida state reform school burned inside the minds and souls of faculty and boys alike. It is inspired by events in the life of Hall of Fame football player, Victor C. Prinzi. Amazingly, as Rosemary and Jane were discussing possible book topics at a restaurant, their conversation was overheard by Vic- tor Prinzi who approached them about his story. The la- dies decided to co-author the book which took several years to complete. (There is still on ongoing investigation at the Dossier School for Boys in Marianna, FL, the loca- tion site of the book’s events.) A copy of “Coach in Cottage C” can be purchased at Amazon or at https:// both in Kindle or paperback forms.

Rosemary has begun work on her next historical fiction novel set in Civil War times, and is thrilled to be able to express herself through this medium. Congratulations Rosemary and good luck completing it!